Set Options

:set wrapscan or :set ws
:set nows
When this option is set, pattern searches resulting from a /, ?, n, N (#, \) command automatically wrap around to the opposit end of the file and continue whenever the beginning or end of a file is reached.
:set ignorecase or :set ic
:set noic
Uppercase and lowercase characters in text are treated identically in regular expression matching
:set magic
:set nomagic
Enables metacharacters for use in regular expressions
:set showmode
:set noshowmode
Displays a status message in the lowest line on the screen
:set terse
:set noterse
The terse option lets you obtain shorter error diagnostics.
:set readonly or :set ro
:set noro
This option sets the read-only flag for the file being editeds, thus preventing accidental overwriting at the end of the session.
:set autowrite or :set aw
:set noaw
Causes the contents of the buffer to be written to the current file if you have modified them and given a :next, :rewind or ! command.
:set columns=13
:set cm=5
You can set the number of bytes displayed in on screenline. Default is max. number divisible by four.
:set memmove
:set nomm
If memmove is set, you can use commands to insert or delete bytes. This can be dangerous for e.g. executable programs. Default is nomemmove.
:set offset=1
:set of=5
An offset is added to all addresses and byte counts. Default address of the first byte is 0.
:set reverse
:set norev
Characters between 160 - 254 are displayed as "reverse video text" as used in some legacy systems (Atari, Commodore, Apple II, etc).
:set wordlength=5
:set wl=8
Length of an ASCII-string found by w, W, b or B
:set unixstyle
:set nous
displays ASCII characters below 32 in the status line in Unix-style instead of DOS-style
Not available.

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Page updated: October 12th 2019 by Gerhard Bürgmann, Purkersdorf/Austria
Have a look at "Lighting Lifts"