bmore - commands

Most commands optionally preceded by integer argument k. Defaults in brackets. Star (*) indicates argument becomes new default.

SPACE Display next k lines of bytes current screen size
zDisplay next k lines of bytes current screen size*
RETURN Display next k lines of bytes 1*
d or CTRL D Scroll k lines current scroll size, initially 11*
q or Q or Interrupt Exit from bmore
s Skip forward k lines of bytes 1
f Skip forward k screenfuls of bytes 1
b or CTRL B Skip backwards k screenfuls of bytes 1
' Go to place where previous search started
= Display current byte number
/regular expr Search for kth occurrence of ascii regular expr 1
\regular expr Search for kth occurrence of binary regular expr 1
n Search for kth occurrence of last r.e 1
!cmd or :!cmd Execute cmd in a subshell
v Start up bvi at current position
w Start up bvi reading only a screenful of bytesscreen
CTRL L Redraw screen
:n Go to kth next file1
:p Go to kth previous file1
:f Display current file name and byte position
. Repeat previous command
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Page updated: January 9th 2014 by Gerhard Bürgmann, Purkersdorf/Austria
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